Tyrian makes a terrible headmaster

7 min read

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PuddingValkyrie's avatar
...That sounds like the beginning of an AU RP or something but it isn't.

So I had a dream with Tyrian in it and I like to write these things down when they amused me so here we go.

Now, don't ask me why, I guess I wasn't where I was supposed to be, or I had broken some rule but.. me and a friend from highschool (I think... maybe it was Shu actually, but I didn't get that impression. I think it was an older Liz... which is my friend my highschool.) were running around this really posh stately home-like hotel/school... away from Tyrian. Now, we were determined that he wouldn't catch us because that would be bad.  Why?  I have no idea. I mean it's Tyrian for goodness sake, and I didn't feel any actual fear.  Just that he mustn't catch us.  So we ran into what in a Japanese school would have been the nurse's office which was on the top floor. Again, as they do in Japanese schools (and probably other schools, but they don't do it in English schools) they were measuring the height and weight and general health of the girls (and the boys on the previous floor). so we signalled to the nurse to shush and hid in one of the screening rooms, which were just like a lot of shower curtains arranged in squares. Tyrian came in and said he was looking for some girls, but all he had found on the previous floor were boys (ie: he had gone to the boy's weight measuring thingie first, thinking we were hiding there) and knowing he was onto us, we were like 'OMG he's gonna find us ahhh' but the nurse said 'Well, there's only the girl students here, being measured' and we were saved by his chivalry - he said 'I won't upset the girls by peeking in on them, I'll just look elsewhere'. And we were like 'phew'.  Only then the sneaky little arse said very deliberately 'Send me photographs later' which shocked me and my friend so much we said out loud 'Pervert!' and we were like right next him behind this curtain (and he is one of three of my OCs who knows who I am and knows my voice) and then we were like 'OH POO' but he just left all smug and we knew he knew we were there, so then it was like 'Did we get away with it?? Whatever let's just get downstairs before he catches us and we can deny everything!'.  When we were sure he'd gone we thanked the nurse and ran off down the hallways and down the stairs, giggling like fools the whole time, trying to get downstairs to the ballroom/dining room as fast as possible, but we kept finding blocked stairways. We also met up with another old friend of mine from highshool and another boy I don't know, who were also running away from someone trying to get to the dining hall and pretend they had been there all along... anyway we did it and yelled to the doorman 'If Tyrian asks, we were in block 11 all afternoon!' and victory was ours I guess.

It's weird, I have had dreams about that place before. It has plush red carpets and lots of corridors and rooms and little bits of stairs like a hotel and a really big dining room with lots of posh, shiny tables and chandeliers. It's obviously some really swanky hotel but this time it was a boarding school I guess.

What I had done wrong I have no idea, I am guessing I was a terrible teacher or something and my friends likewise and in the end I guess Tyrian decided to give up and let us get away with it rather than freaking out all the girl students which was nice of him, haha. Whatever was going to happen if he caught us, it can't have been that bad, because after we got out of the nurse's office we were just giggling the whole time and gleefully bounding down the steps it was actually super fun XD

Dreams are weird man.

Progress continues on Victor's book and so far my predictions of what will happen to him are right on the money XD

If anyone actually read this, thanks for taking an interest in my boring dream,



To-do list:

-Finish book 4 - up to chapter 3
-Redraft Tyrian's book

- post changeling cloak

-finish unit 1 of grammar course
-finish unit 1 of proofreader course - Unit 1 finished

-finish headshot freebies - 2 of 4 done
-finish twitter comp chibis
-all no humans here prizes
- stickers for Kirby

-Read and review The Medium
-Read and review Primal Storm - up to chapter 12

Looking for someone to commission or a contest to enter?  See here: Commissions, etc.


Victor's Book:

Status:  Writing first draft
Version: 1

Word count: 20045

Tyrian's book:

Status:  Awaiting redraft.
Version 8.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Joshua's book:

Status: Redrafted. Awaiting feedback.
Version 3. 

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


Booked conventions-

Mancstercon - 29th August

Leicester Comic Con - 11th October I think...

London MCM Comic Con - 23rd - 25th October

DokiDoki Festival - 7th November


  'I'll get a job', she'd thought. 'Earn my own ticket,' she'd thought. Lucinda's parents had agreed that it was a good idea. 'It'll teach you some responsibility,' they'd said. 
Lucinda was currently staring down a dragon, dressed as a man, on only her first day in gainful employment. She suspected her parents would not think it such a good idea if they knew.

~ from Miss Prince

You can read a sample here - tannbourne.com

On Amazon  - www.amazon.co.uk/Miss-Prince-A…
Amazon.com - www.amazon.com/Miss-Prince-Ali…


"Ambrosia. The Drink of the Gods. Thick, syrupy and vanilla flavoured, for some reason. It also contains enough calories to kill a mortal on the spot, so it's just as well that mortals are no longer mortals by the time they finish drinking it. Like Seralina, for example. She hadn't really meant to become a god. She hadn't taken the warning 'This will make of ye a god' seriously. It was her general policy not to trust any claim beyond 'It tastes all right, really'. She certainly didn't trust anything that sounded made-up or used words like 'dynamic'. Going round trusting words like 'dynamic' could get you into trouble. As it turned out, so could ignoring warning labels."

~ from Eggs, Butter, Sugar and Disaster

You can download a sample chapter of EBSD here: tannbourne.com

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